£299.99 / per month for 6 months
and a £349.00 sign-up fee

Get started on your journey to becoming an Approved Driving Instructor with Let’s Instruct.
Our comprehensive training program offers you all the expertise and support you need. Please see the description below for full details of your course.

Fee once set up:

The equivalent of what you charge for 3 x 1hr lessons per week.
Paid monthly.
You receive four weeks free per year.

What do we do?

Let’s Instruct Independent Instructor Partnership is unique in our industry. When joining our partnership, you not only receive all the benefits of a franchise, but you also get your own logo, branding and website. Then, at the end of your contract, you walk away owning your brand and website as an independent.

The support doesn’t end there; after your contract has finished, you can choose to do everything yourself or continue with a bespoke support package from us by choosing and paying only for the support you need.