Go Independent


Initial sign-up fee:


Fee once set up:

  • The equivalent of what you charge for 3 x 1hr lessons per week.
  • Paid monthly.
  • You receive four weeks free per year.

What do we do?

Let’s Instruct Independent Instructor Partnership is unique in our industry. When joining our partnership, you not only receive all the benefits of a franchise, but you also get your own logo, branding and website. Then, at the end of your contract, you walk away owning your brand and website as an independent.

The support doesn’t end there; after your contract has finished, you can choose to do everything yourself or continue with a bespoke support package from us by choosing and paying only for the support you need.



Initial sign-up fee:

Fee once set up:

  • The equivalent of what you charge for 3 x 1hr lessons per week.
  • Paid monthly.
  • You receive four weeks free per year.

What do we do?

Let’s Instruct Independent Instructor Partnership is unique in our industry. 

When joining our partnership, you not only receive all the benefits of a franchise, but you also get your own logo, branding and website. 

Then, at the end of your contract, you walk away owning your brand and website as an independent.

The support doesn’t end there; after your contract has finished, you can choose to do everything yourself or continue with a bespoke support package from us by choosing and paying only for the support you need.

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Who’s it for?

  • PDI’s starting out
  • ADI’s dissatisfied working with your current driving school
  • PDI’s and ADI’s wanting full control of their business
  • PDI’s and ADI’s wanting to build their own brand
  • PDI’s and ADI’s wanting to charge the lesson rate they choose
  • PDI’s and ADI’s ready to branch out as an independent but not sure how
  • Independent ADI’s wanting support and to rebrand their business

    Why use us?

    • No large upfront costs setting up your business.
    • Have all you need to be successful from day one.
    • We are your trusted, experienced team who know what you need and are ready to deliver.
    • Avoid costly mistakes instructors make when striking out on their own.
    • Benefit from our 24 years’ experience of successfully running our own award-winning driving school and ADI academy.

    How long to set me up?

    Becoming an independent driving instructor and building your own brand has never been so easy. With the support of the Let’s Instruct Independent Partnership, set up takes around one month.We work with you to design your own branding, build your own website, and set up your socials. You will be supported with all you need over your 18-month contract to leave us with a successfully established business and brand of your own.

    What happens after my contract?

    Following your 18-month contract you have choices:
    1. Continue with the same level of support with a renewed contract.
    2. Leave the partnership owning your website and branding with our best wishes.
    3. Drop down to a bespoke level of support by choosing what support you would like us to continue delivering.

    What next?

    If you like the sound of the Let’s Instruct Independent Instructor Partnership, we would love to speak to you. Fill in a Contact Us form today and we will call to discuss joining the Let’s Instruct Independent Instructor Partnership and start your journey to independence.